Top Three Podcasts Blog Coordinator Jenn is Currently Listening To!

Like many of us in the agriculture industry, road trips, travelling for work and to see family and friends is the norm. Though I love music and listening to the radio, I have recently come to enjoy passing the time with podcasts. Whenever I’m driving and I put on a podcast I seem to be more focused on the road, I don’t get distracted by my phone and the time goes by more quickly.

The best thing about Podcasts is that they are free from Apple Music or wherever you get your music from on your smartphone. There is a wide variety of series to choose from, you literally can listen to anything you want – news and current events, something motivational, health and wellness related or sports coverage. If you don’t like the episode you’ve selected, you simply just pick another one!

Below are three podcasts I am currently listening to!

#1) CBC Under the Influence

These are engaging 30 minutes episodes that feature a marketing story and marketing tactics from companies we see in our everyday life. For example, Season 3, episode 14 is all about Elevator Pitches. It explores the art of a quick pitch and testing an idea in the time it takes an elevator to go from the first floor to the second. It explores the success of having a well thought out plan and putting it together to catch investors or consumers attention quickly. 

Another episode I recently enjoyed was Season 9, episode 16. It was about Brand Envy. Exploring brands who have survived and flourished for the years. Who would have thought Chocolate Turtles were introduced to Canada in 1949 all because someone saw them and said they “kind of” look like a turtle. 

The psychology of price is explored in Season 3 Episode 2. Would you guess that consumers tend to pay more when the price ends in a “9”? When stores set prices, it has a lot more to do with psychology of and buying habits versus simple math. 

If you have a passion for all things marketing related, this is the podcast for you. They have added several past seasons so there are many hours of listening time available. 

#2) Growing our Future

Dan Aberhart and his brother Terry started this podcast about a year ago. In the hour to hour and a half episodes Dan and Terry talk with a member of the agriculture community. Topics range from technology in agriculture, personal development, being an ag-vocate and just life in general. 

Many episodes may feature people you know from our agriculture network. Two Women in Ag names you will recognize are Cherilyn Nagel from episode 12 and Katelyn Duncan from episode 7. All those Dan and Terry have interviewed have interesting stories and such passion for our agriculture industry. It is hard not to feel motivated and like an passionate ag-vocate while listening.

#3) Canadian True Crime

This is my guilty pleasure. I got into this series two years ago when I first started listening to podcasts while I logged hours in the combine. This series covers true crime stories that are all based in Canada. Some stories I remember hearing about in the news or had an idea of what the story line entailed. For example, one episode was about the recent man hunt for two young adults wanted for murder. They had travelled from Northern BC to Gimli Manitoba. Another story some might know was about Robert Pickton and the missing women from the Vancouver downtown core.  

I do warn you; the hour to hour and a half episodes are a bit heavy and sad. The voice of the narrator is very easy to listen to, but the content can be disturbing at times. There is a disclaimer before each episode to caution listeners. 

If you are new to podcasts, I encourage you to try them! If you listen regularly, I hope these three add to your library. I am always looking for new series to add to my library.  If anyone has other suggestions let me know! I will compile a list and share it in the fall for harvest. Send your suggestions to or comment on our Facebook post!

Jenn Jelinski